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Sycamore uses the view! macro as an ergonomic way to create complex user interfaces. You might have already seen it in the “Hello, World!” example.



Creating HTML elements is easy as pie with the view! macro. Since you’ll likely want to create a lot of elements in your app, there is a special terse syntax.

view! {
    // A simple div
    // A div with a class
    // An empty paragraph
    // Custom elements!

Text nodes

Of course, in your app, you probably want to display some text. To create a text node, simply add a string literal (using ").

view! {
    "Hello World!"


Creating all these top-level nodes is not very useful. You can create nested nodes like so.

view! {
    div(class="foo") {
        p {
            span { "Hello " }
            strong { "World!" }


Attributes (including classes and ids) can also be specified.

view! {
    p(class="my-class", id="my-paragraph", aria-label="My paragraph")
    button(disabled=true) {
       "My button"


The special dangerously_set_inner_html attribute is used to set an HTML string as the child of an element. This should generally be avoided because it is a possible security risk. Never pass user input to this attribute as that will create an XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerability.

view! {
    div(dangerously_set_inner_html="<span>Inner HTML!</span>")

    // DO NOT DO THIS!!!
    // DO NOT DO THIS!!!

Instead, when displaying user input, use interpolation syntax instead.


Events are attached using the on:* directive.

view! {
    button(on:click=|_| { /* do something */ }) {
        "Click me"


As seen in previous examples, views can also be fragments. You can create as many nodes as you want at the top-level.

view! {
    p { "First child" }
    p { "Second child" }

Fragments can also be empty.

view! {}


Views can contain interpolated values. Anything that implements std::fmt::Display will automatically be inserted as text into the DOM tree. For example:

let my_number = 123;

view! {
    p {
        // Automatically display my_number as a string using std::fmt::Display
        "This is my number: " (my_number)

Other views created using the view! macro can also be interpolated using the same syntax. For example:

let inner_view = view! {

let outer_view = view! {
    div {

The cool thing about interpolation in Sycamore is that it is automatically kept up to date with the value of the expression. Learn more about this in Reactivity.